Well season almost over but East of Scotland hopefully over for ourselves . Pictured is all the team who have helped in some way to get over the line . There are others who have been a massive help working away in the background we thank everybody for this season . We now move on to two very big games away to Dalbeatie Star on Saturday and then the replay at the Albyn Park a week on Friday to make all the effort worth it with promotion at stake to the Lowland League 2024/25 .Thanks everybody for the support for the team it has got us where we are and long may it continue .


Man of the match for our last league game was Marky Munro who has been a constant performer all season and was well worthy of his award . He is seen pictured receiving his award from Eileen . Marky is sponsored for the past season by Jordan Refrigeration with his second and third kits sponsored by Mark and Mary Doran


Broxburn Athletic will play Dalbeatie Star in a two leg play off after Dalbeatie drew 1-1 with Creetown on Wednesday evening to win the South of Scotland Championship to win the right to play in the Lowland League next season 2024/2025 . The first leg will be played at Dalbeatie Star on the 18th of May with a 3-00pm kick off . The second leg will be at the Albyn Park on Friday the 24th of May with a 7-45pm kick off


All at the club would like to thank every body and every club who sent the club congratulations on winning the Premier League . It was an nice gesture by our host’s on Saturday and the match officials applauding the team on to the park . We thank Kinnoul for their hospitality and wish them a speedy return to the Premier league


With Beith winning the West of Scotland Premier league for the second season in a row , may we congratulate them on this success ,  it will be a two leg play off with the winner’s of the South of Scotland  for the place in the Lowland league as Beith do not have a SFA licence . The Dates we know are as follows  . Saturday 18th May Creetown or Dalbeatie Star v Broxburn Athletic  in the first leg with a 3-00pm kick off  . The second leg will take place on Friday evening the 24th of May at the Albyn Park with a 7-45pm kick off


Saturday’s Man of The Match award went to Alassan Jones who capped a fine match with a fine goal . Alassan is pictured here being presented with his awarded by hospitality stalwarts  Elizabeth Cunningham & Jennfer Quigley who had a day off at the game on Saturday . Alassan’s kit is sponsored by  Jack & Bruce with his second and third kit sponsored by Broxburn & Uphall Emerald


The keydraw winners this week were Angie & David Forrest who collected £50 as Lewis Turner who helped with the draw failed to pick the correct key to open the jackpot box . Next week’s draw will have a jackpot of £350 and 20 keys left to pick from to open the jackpot box . The next draw will be on Tuesday the 7th of May at 7-30pm live on our Facebook page . We thank Lewis for his help with the draw .


It is with great pleasure that  we can now celebrate the winning of the East of Scotland Premier league . This gives us the opportunity to go into the play offs with the South Champions and West Champions to win a place in the Lowland league (if clubs are licensed) . This should be clear within the next week and we will publish dates of when these will take place . We thank everyone for your support that has helped push the guys on to this achievement . The players have pushed on at every opportunity and deserve full praise for their efforts . The management team deserve the plaudits for guiding the players in the right direction getting the best out of every single player in the squad . To all our volunteer’s a big thank you for all the hard work put in and have now been rewarded for their efforts . All our sponsor’s we thank you for your contribution without we would not be able to challenge for the rewards we have earned .  All supporter’s we thank you and hope we can push on and gain promotion  lets cheer the boys on through our last two games and then the play off’s “BACK THE BURN “


Saturday’s man of The Match was awarded to Bob Watt , picked by Stuart McLean who is seen here presenting him with his award after some fine saves keeping us in the game at vital times . Gordon Bow Plant Hire ltd   sponsor’s all of Bob’s three kits .




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